Parties, gala evenings and balls | BE ACTIVE Skip to main content

Parties, gala evenings and balls

Special events require special attention. Company party, Santa Claus evening, Christmas or New Year's Eve? A spectacular party or a gala evening?

With precision and attention to detail, we will take care of the complete preparation and trouble-free running of the party or gala evening. We will provide premises, decoration, catering, moderators, hostesses and a varied program with musicians, artists and dancers. Would you prefer a traditional style or is there no limit to your imagination? We will arrange anything.

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Non-traditional, creative tailor-made events...


Company data

IČO - 50554247
DIČ - 2120384640
IČ DPH - SK2120384640

Ing. Andrea Košecová

Founder - Marketing Manager

Mgr. Roman Hanzel

Founder - Manager

Petra Čapová

Event koordinátor

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